Monday, January 26

The Sampaloc Hanger Massacre!!!

At last! I have already uploaded "The Sampaloc Hanger Massacre" real life comics. It was a project for our presentation skills in IT, so we would be able to enhance our facial expression, camera projection, and photography skills. We chose a thrilling and psychotic theme, and we really enjoyed photo shooting. It's funny, especially when we haunt for the serial killer's costume. We were once ball kicking on the roof top of Robert's apartment, when we finally realized a good theme for our comics, could possibly be about serial killers and masochism. Thanks for the appearance of a hanger, we created a deadly weapon for our serial killer (also called: Lord Mon Mon's Battle Hanger) Fortunately, we saw a cool whig, so Robert could portray his role very much. He's a natural born serial killer and he's really expert in blood and murder so it was not that hard for us to shoot ass kicking pictures for the comic project. After the shoot, editing came. I admit, I don't have those excellent graphical skills but with the help of Yoyong, we made our comics as if it was already published for National Bookstore. By the way, we are planning to create an inspired short indie film out of the idea so watch out! Congratulations to our group, once again, Spermatics!



iii.iRisH.dOp.iii said...

Wow.. A very interesting horror magazine.. And blockbuster among them.. (what) (lol)

keb said...

of course that's our comic!

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Earn Online Thru PTC

Earning online is very easy. I've already tried this method, and it really works! It's safe, user-friendly and virus-free! It's what we call "PTC"  or Paid To Click program. It's the online method, where members view/click advertisements for a short period of time (usually 30 seconds)...Read More!